CHEAT, THE (1923) Lobby card – 2


Vintage original 11 x 14″ (28 x 35 cm.) lobby card, USA. Pola Negri, Jack Holt, Charles de Rochefort, dir: George Fitzmaurice; Paramount.

Story of a South American beauty (played by Polish-born Pola Negri) who is betrothed to an elderly Latin American but elopes with a New York broker and then falls into the clutches of an imposter Indian prince. She is then branded a “cheat”. This leads to branding, attempted murder and courtroom drama, with Pola being rescued at the very last moment by her lover, the New York broker.

And only a silent film lobby card would display this wonderful Art Nouveau framing and use of color and character silhouetting. In this scene, Pola Negri as Carmelita de Borodoba plays out a tense scene with her New York broker lover Jack Holt playing Dudley Drake. FINE.

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