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NBC MATINEE THEATRE – “THE CAUSE” (1958) TV script by Rod Serling


[New York]: NBC, [1958]. Vintage original television script for the anthology series NBC Matinee Theatre. Self-wrappers, 11 x 8.5″ (28 x 22 cm.) mimeograph, stapled at top left. This script belonged to child actor Johnny Crawford, who was fourth billed in the role of “Palmer”. Crawford underlined his lines, and occasionally crossed out some other actors’ lines. He left various doodles on the blank versos of some pages. 16, 10, 15, 13 pp. Overall very good+. A few pages of revisions dated 4/25/58 on blue paper are bound in.

“The Cause” is described by IMDb as a mix of drama and horror, a Civil War story about a Southern girl who falls in love with a Union officer. She meets opposition from her father who is bitter against the North, and in fact refuses to believe that  the Civil War is indeed over.

An early script from the prolific Rod Serling, a year before the debut of THE TWILIGHT ZONE.

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