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AMARE PER UCCIDERE [WICKED AS THEY COME] (1956) Italian due foglio poster by Anselmo Ballester


Vintage original 39 x 55″ (100 x 140 cm.) due folio / 2-fogli poster, Italy. Arlene Dahl, Phillip Carey, Herbert Marshall, Michael Goodliffe, dir: Ken Hughes; Columbia. A vehicle for the beautiful Arlene Dahl, who was swathed in sexy clothes and placed in beautiful sets and did her best acting in the role of a girl who is set on rising from her job in a shirtwaist factory to the top — letting nothing stand in her way… including murder.

The great Italian poster artist Anselmo Ballester has captured a tense moment from the film. On linen, VERY GOOD.

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