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Sam Fuller (writer, director) THE NAKED KISS (1964) Set of 13 photos


[Los Angeles]: Allied Artists, 1964. Set of thirteen (13) vintage original 8 x 10″ (20 x 25 cm.) black-and-white print still photos. One with archivally mended tear, overall just about fine.

Because of the loosening of censorship rules, Sam Fuller’s forays into the noir genre were allowed to deal more openly with the dark side of the human condition. A former prostitute (Constance Towers) attempts to reinvent herself by moving to squeaky-clean small-town USA, where she does her best to fit in but her past comes back to haunt her. 

Silver, Ward, Ursini, Porfirio, p. 200: “Above all, an impolite film, lingering on the uncomfortable subjects of prostitution, perversion, and physical handicaps.”

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