Vintage original 12 x 9″ (30 x 22 cm.) trade ad, USA. Brigitte Helm, Alfred Abel, Gustav Frohlich, Rudolf Klein-Rogge, Fritz Rasp, Theodor Loos, Erwin Biswanger, dir: Fritz Lang, UFA. Superb originality highlighted this silent German-Expressionist film. The stunning special effects and design rival any of our state-of-the-art technical achievements of today.
The story is set in the future where humans are divided into the two categories: thinkers and workers. Neither group understands the other, nor have a sense of fulfillment. A man, one of the thinkers, dares to venture into the land of the workers; from that time there is great uprising.
This father of all science fiction films is presently enjoying a renewed interest. Its design elements continue to be influential to this day, and is considered the apex in silent cinema. A new restoration is bringing back many missing scenes and a new orchestral score, presented at live film festival performances.
A really brilliant trade ad from a 1927 Paramount yearbook announcing the film’s US-release. Definitely a mini-poster now that the piece has been mounted on linen. All the futuristic and science fiction aspects of the story are presented in this early Art Deco design. FINE.