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BEHIND OFFICE DOORS (1931) Lobby card ft. Mary Astor, Ricardo Cortez


Vintage original 11 x 14″ (28 x 35 cm.) lobby card, USA. Mary Astor, Robert Ames, Ricardo Cortez, dir: Melville W. Brown, RKO. Wonderful Pre-Code image of Mary Astor and Ricardo Cortez in a bedroom setting. Mary plays a secretary whose boss takes her for granted until rival executive Ricardo starts to pay attention to her. In the story, he offers her $50. per week as secretary, for which she raises an eyebrow wondering what that may entail, since the average salary of a secretary at the time was $20.

Very vivid colors. Tiny chip to bottom left corner, ABOUT FINE.

-BEHINDOFFICEDOORS -Pre-Code- MaryAstor -RicardoCortez

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