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VOLCANO (1926) Lobby card


Vintage original 11 x 14″ (28 x 35 cm.) lobby card, USA. Bebe Daniels, Ricardo Cortez, Wallace Beery, Arthur Edward Carewe, dir: William K. Howard, Paramount. The ever-versatile Bebe Daniels in a disaster epic which takes place in Martinique, ca. 1902, during a volcanic eruption. The romantic element concerned an interracial relationship (taboo at the time), which of course turned out not to be so, when in the last reel it is discovered that the male lover is really white. The film was believed lost but a damaged print does survive.

Bebe Daniels, Arthur Edward Carewe and Wallace Berry are in the center image. The title and credits are caught up in the enveloping eruption of the volcano in this highly stylistic card of superb 1920s lobby card art. Minor stain at bottom left corner, FINE

-movieposter -volcano -bebedaniels -wallacebeery -silentmovie

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