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SPIDER-MAN 2 (Jul 24, 2003) Shooting script and production archive


[Los Angeles]: 2003. Vintage original shooting script dated July 24, 2003, 11 x 8 1/2″ (28 x 22 cm), 121 pp., bound in a plain vinyl loose leaf binder. Although the title page indicates the many colors of revisions, the basic script at this point was printed on white paper. However, bound in front of the script are 16 pp. of revisions on cherry paper, dated 9/26/03 and 13 pp. of revisions on tan paper, dated 10/9/03. Screenplay credited to Alvin Sargent, with [David] Koepp, [Michael] Chabon, [Alfred] Gough and [Miles] Millar. Fine.

Sold with:

A contact list, 13 pp. 5/20/03; final crew list, 52 pp., 8/13/03; final cast list, 47 pp., 10/30/03.

Sam Raimi directed this film, with Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco and Alfred Molina starring. It was released to great popular and critical acclaim.

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