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The Essence of was never meant to be a large website, it was intended to be an exclusive boutique featuring some of the greatest objects Walter Reuben could find. A website that would appeal to him as a collector of “movie memorabilia” – reflecting his own personal tastes and interests. 

He deliberately chose to go after only the best original vintage film collectibles: posters, lobby cards, photographs, even costume designs. Today, that boutique has grown to include movie scripts, rare books, assorted memorabilia, African Americana, and LGBTQ related material.  

The following videos explore the essence of what has come together to create – now one of the foremost dealers in providing museums, universities, libraries, and private collectors around the world, with an ever-changing collection of exceptional original vintage material.

Please click on titles to view videos

Introduction To WalterFilm

Collecting The Silent Era

Collecting Lobby Cards

Collecting Movie Photographs

Collecting Movie Posters

Collecting Saul Bass Posters

Collecting Literature To Film

Collecting Oscar Posters

Collecting Film Noir

African Americana In 1930 + 1940 Films

We Purchase Film & TV Scripts, Story Boards, Photographs, Posters & Memorabilia

FEATURING: Walter Reuben, Woolsey Ackerman, Ira Resnick, author of STARSTRUCK, Kevin Johnson – Royal Books, Roy Simperman – Collector